Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Guest Rant from Raelayna....

I heard a story on the radio on Tuesday that can't pass without comment. An eleven-year-old girl was raped by 10 men on a football team. What kind of sick shit is this?! When you see the state of society today, do you really think that humanity is capable of this kind of insanity? I cannot fathom why one man would even deign to think that raping a child is okay, let alone 10 of them! Okay, okay, if I have to be the one to say it, then I guess I will. Society, we are absolutely doing the wrong thing these days. I think that whatever parents have been teaching their children really needs to change, because if an entire flock of men think it is okay to rape an eleven-year-old, what we’ve been doing is obviously not working.

And my first reaction is always, “God I hope someone kills that poor girl.” I’m sorry if that sounds cruel but I am a firm believer in allowing people to end their misery. Just think of what that poor girl will go through the rest of her life. Wouldn’t it be a mercy in the end? How would it feel, in the real world, to be that girl who was raped by 10 men? What kind of relationships will someone like that have with people? I believe this child will most likely have at least two children by 16 purely because she’ll feel like she isn’t worth more than to be a feedbag for some calf. Imagine what it would be like to wake up every day with that knowledge. Of being forced to have sex with 10 strange men. To be a cum sack for some dude with no face. Would one be okay living with that feeling, the fact that those same men most likely walked within 14 months? Could you get out of bed every day knowing that no matter what you do, there will always be that one scar, you know that one that throbs during your period, the one from that guy that shoved a pipe in your vagina? How is a person supposed to live with that? What do you expect a person to do, just ignore the memory of some man standing over you, laughing at your tears, telling you to shut the fuck up and take it? Can we really expect someone to live with that and the nightmares that someday their own child will meet him, or his son, and live the life that you dread, the sound of existence making you want to vomit every day you wake? Could you really push that same exisitnance on someone else, perhaps someone you love? How would that feel, waking at night to hear them crying in their hands, for no reason other than they’re “really sad”? How much could my son pay to not hear me weep for the innocence lost? How many men would a father destroy to keep his eleven-year-old daughter from believing that everyone in her life wants to use and abuse her?

I once heard someone say “There is no wrong, there is no right.” Let me ask something. Does the fact that a nine-month-old baby was raped to death because the man that accosted her was convinced that her virgin blood would heal his AIDs, a neutral thing? Would that be wrong? Sorry baby, I happen to believe in people accepting responsibility for themselves and their offense is what keeps us monkeys from annihilating each other. There is wrong. Raping babies is WRONG!!!!! Raping people is WRONG!!!!! And so is try to justify it by saying these men thought it was right or funny. I can tell you that the pain caused by this action is so intense, so severe that even an imbecile could grasp the simplcity of the concept. What the hell is wrong with the mental capacity of these people? Where did they come up with the idea that raping an eleven-year-old would be cool?

Okay, parents, its time to be responsible. Okay? Its time to say no. No, you can’t have that. No, you can’t keep that. No, you can’t DO that. Where the hell is the sanity in this world? Have we really come to the point where a team of football players can rape a CHILD and get a guffaw from the president? Doesn’t he worry about this? I know I do. I really wish that little girl some peace from her suffering, even if it means death. I may not know what you are going through exactly daughter, but I know some of how you feel. Someday they will grovel at our feet and they will know punishment. Let us only hope.

I’m out. R

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ken Lay

Has found a new way to launder money.